Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting kicked when you're down...

America is supposed to be a rich country.

But in America, it's awfully expensive to be poor.

Get behind on your payments just once, and the house of cards formerly known as US middle class life topples over, each credit chain knocking over another...

Overdue rent fees...
Overdue phone charges...
Overdue electric bills...
Bank overdraft fees...
The constant sight of commodities you can no longer afford...
The entirely rational feeling of being hunted, all the time...
Desperation leading to panicky decisions leading to more fees...

Life in America is expensive for the poor.

Get behind just once, and you're stuck at the bottom of a deep, deep well.

Wall Street neoliberals who live on seven/eight/nine/ten-figure salaries call this well freedom. Because they live at the top, in the sunlight.

The rest of us call it being drowned by millimeter.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Get this. I just moved into a rental house in a new town. To set up electricity if I didn't have 12 previous months of elect. bills paid on time from the previous provider, then I have to pay $170 deposit, same with the gas but only $75 deposit. So now the bills are coming due, and I don't have the money on the due date, I have to pay late, because the money is tied up in fucking deposits! Yep, And I am not even that "poor"! They love to kick you hard when you're down fucking pigs!
