Saturday, June 29, 2019

Age of Patreon

My Patreon is up and running: It's true crowd-sourcing is no substitute for the universal basic income we should all be getting, but us desperately impoverished writers have to scrounge what we can.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Videogame Nerding -- The Epic Continues

James Rolfe, creator of the epic and uproarious Angry Videogame Nerd series, delivered this classy thank-you to 3 million fans for supporting his 15 years of independent videos:

These interactions between digital artists and fans are far more historically significant than you might think. In an age of unparalleled political regression, videogames and its ancillary art-forms (podcasts, machinima, live-action comedy) have been revolutionizing the entire production, consumption and reception of transnational media. Since 2013, the AAA-tier studios and giant media corporations have been losing their chokehold over videogames, and by 2017, Infinite Fall's Night in the Woods marked the moment that open insurrection broke out among the studio artists. This insurrection is now spreading to every branch of the videogame industry.