Thursday, March 14, 2019

26 Years Of Neoliberal Hell in Four Tweets

Matt Stoller hauls out the Serious-Sam-sized flamethrower and torches the plutocracy's puppet politicians (entire thread is here):

1: Tim Geithner was bailing out banks not because there was 13 dimensional chess going on but because that was his goal. Obama lied about trying to claw back AIG bonuses because he was a liar who lied to get what he wanted, which was a plutocracy run by Ivy League elites. Simple.

2: Bill Clinton lied routinely to push plutocrat-friendly policies because he was a liar who wanted to help rich people. He thought that was the right thing to do, and he was also incredibly greedy. This isn't hard.

3: Obama was a bad President. Bush was a bad President. Clinton was a bad President. These are people who believe they and their friends are better than you, which is why they have money and power and you don't. It's not that hard to understand, it's just hard to accept.

4: In terms of a generational divide, while Obama/Hoyer/Pelosi were fucking up foreclosure policy, @aoc was LIVING THROUGH A FORECLOSURE. You think they have different views of banks? Thank God for millennials, who see markets and commerce are always 100% politically constructed.

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