The world needs a game show. Not just any game show, but a game show which properly expresses the admixture of toxic greed, lunatic power-mongering, and generalized fear and loathing typical of dying 21st century empires.
We can call this new game show
"Culling The Herd". Its host will be a made-for-video star called MC Overstretch. Its tagline: "Watch dying empires do increasingly stupid things leading to their self-destruction... all in 1080P!"
The outline for Season 1:
Episode 1. US tries to swallow Iraq. Watch $3 trillion and thousands of lives go up in smoke, generating nothing but civil war and Daesh serial killer scum. Co-hosted by a spokesperson from the YPG and a representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Episode 2. Wall Street tries to swallow the global banking system. Bankstering: the only crime business where failure is punished with lucrative Federal bailouts. Co-hosted by Joseph Stiglitz and William K. Black.
Episode 3. Euroliberalism tries to swallow Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Every failed liberal-era financial idea ever invented... reinvented by neoliberals. Co-hosted by Yanis Varoufakis and James Galbraith.
Episode 4. Russia tries to swallow Ukraine. Watch for the entertaining interviews with Russo-imperialists, proving that all empires in human history have been equally bad: "Uh, NATO CIA same-sex Ukro-fascist purple dragons from Arcturus shot down MH-17, yeah, that's it! What, those 5,000 Russian troops occupying Donbass? That's an elvish lie spread by filthy hobbitses! Gollum... gollum... Er... is this microphone on? ...Bueller...?" Co-hosted by Mustafa Nayem and Myroslava Petsa.
And now, latest of all:
Episode 5. Microsoft tries to swallow Minecraft. Co-hosted by the Minecraft community. Watch everyone's least-favorite fading desktop monopolist find yet another billion-sized money pit to stumble into! Boo and hiss when legions of corporate lawyers start suing 10-year-old modmakers! Cheer wildly when the digital commons transforms Minecraft into a free-to-play codebase!
We've got our popcorn ready. Let the games begin!
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