Friday, March 14, 2014


Russia Today is no longer a credible outlet of anything other than whatever lies Russo-imperialism feels like telling to itself. Rosie Gray has the gory details here.

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More on Kurchenko's crimes -- he's one of the gangsters who destroyed Ukraine's economy.

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Olga Mikhajliuk has this excellent story from occupied Crimea.

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The Russian protest group P-Riot were originally just anarchistic provocateurs. But even their apolitical anarchism has earned them open attacks by government thugs - the most recent is documented here. Look closely at the faces of the youths who beat up a couple of unarmed, defenseless women. Look at how they revel like the disgusting gangsters they are, and even take photos for their friends.

In my nightmares, I see them still laughing as they get into their tanks, thinking it will be a joyride to Kiev. In my nightmares, I see state-sponsored parades blessing their holy war. In my nightmares, state-appointed TV presenters will tell them they are fighting small groups of Banderites, Nazis, and CIA agents, that they'll be greeted with flowers as liberators, that everyone will live happily ever after. They will beat lots of unarmed young women and even get to wear camouflage uniforms. In my nightmares, they stop laughing after twenty-four hours. That's when their APCs and tanks start burning, as the young people of Ukraine tear them apart with sophisticated anti-tank weapons. Their laughter turns into the death-mask of millions.

There are only days to stop the nightmare.

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