Monday, May 20, 2013

To The Fans

Are you tired of crappy, overpriced corporate media?

Have you had it with the nauseating lies of the plutocrats?
 Do you regularly have to resist the urge to throw your cable TV box out the window?

Friends, you are not alone. The time has come for change. Not the fake kind brought to you by corporate executives, their NGO quislings, or their stooge politicians.

No, the real kind of change begins at home. You -- and me -- must do this together.

Instead of paying evil, ruthless corporations for access to media monopolized and censored in advance by evil, ruthless corporations interested only in becoming more evil and ruthless -- it's time for us to to fight back, by supporting our favorite digital artists.

Buy only from producers who respect your hard work and labor, we fans, players, consumers and audience-members.

It's easier than you think.

The hip hop artists of the middle-income nations pioneered the art of building digital audience networks to support digital artists (e.g. Gazgolder).

Ross Scott's "Freeman's Mind" series has been delivering comedy platinum since 2007. Visit Scott's site, hit the tip jar, buy a T-shirt.

Meanwhile, in friendly neighborhood BRIC country Russia, Roman Samtsov, Andrei Mankiewicz and a group of volunteers are creating a live-action fan series called "Freeman's Days", based on the Half Life 2 universe. The first episode is out, and it's astoundingly good. You can contribute to the team via their Boomstarter site.

It's time to learn from Kratos: fight the Hades of Media Plutocracy with its own hell-forged weapons!

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