Monday, October 15, 2012

Pirates: The Planet Is Ours!


Avast, ye swabs, let it be known that the Pirate Revolution starts November 28! What happens on November 28, ask ye?

Self-proclaimed "content providers" (pigopolists), having learned absolutely nothing from the epic flaming defeat of PIPA and SOPA, will have sole discretionary power to determine whether your download infringed on their precious (in the Gollumesque sense) copyrights. The system is automated, admits of no legal recourse, and blocks users from any site the pigopolists can pull out of their overcapacious corporate orifices. Oh, and they can even use your personal data culled from aforesaid providers to sue you.

Not. Making. This. Up. Quote: “After the fifth alert, the content owner may pursue legal action against the customer, and may seek a court order requiring AT&T to turn over personal information to assist the litigation.” (It's not just ATT, it's also Verizon, Comcast, Cablevision, and Time Warner Cable).

That's right. 310 million Americans are about to go to digital jail.

I seem to recall a small spot of bother when a certain Middle Eastern dictator attempted to shut down the country's cellphones. That little spot of bother is nothing compared to what will happen when the digital commons mobilizes.

So bring it on, pigopolists. Make the revolution not just possible, but inevitable!

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