Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Egypt: The Revolution Continues

Mubarak is gone, but the battle against the mini-Mubaraks continues. Samira Ibrahim describes her ordeal at the hands of SCAF  - just one of many incidents which sparked the massive November protests.

One of the most hopeful aspects of the Arab Spring is the mass participation of women. They are no longer acting as proxies of husbands or the extensions of joint families, but are demanding full citizenship. In fact, many of these women are light-years ahead of even the most politicized men, for the simple reason that the women are beginning to understand that revolutions aren't about chants and slogans. They are a process which transforms oneself as well as one's society -- they are lived down to the marrow of one's bones.

1 comment:

  1. "... revolutions aren't about chants and slogans. They are a process which transforms oneself as well as one's society -- they are lived down to the marrow of one's bones."

    Beautiful words to hear at the beginnig of a new year.

    A Happy New Year to you, mr. Redmond.
