Saturday, October 22, 2011

Libya is Free

The people of Libya have written a glorious page in human history, breaking their chains and putting an end to one of neoliberalism's most bloodthirsty monsters. The celebrations are ongoing, and the Libyan people's media has the details, but I did want to say this.

First of all: a special dedication to Mo Nabbous, because I know you're watching all this, somewhere, and you'll excuse me if I'm getting emotional typing this, but Mo exemplified everything which was wonderful and inspiring about the Arab Spring. Mo was the single most influential citizen journalist of the Libyan revolution, and his example inspired numerous other Libyans to step up and start creating their own free media, ranging from radio stations to hip hop bands, and from webzines to twitter feeds. Mo was killed by a regime sniper in March while reporting from the front lines, at the exact moment the tide began to turn in favor of the revolution. The sorrow of his passing is made bearable only by the fact that his newly-born daughter will grow up in a free, democratic Libya.

Much love to the brave people of Benghazi, who resisted the katiba's bullets with their bare hands; to the people of Tobruk and Derna, steadfast in their resistance; to the people of Misrata, who endured rocket barrages and defeated the regime's most fearsome units in battles of unbelievable ferocity; to the Amazigh people of the Nalut mountains, who sheltered the Revolution in its hour of need and then swept down from the mountains to free their brothers and sisters elsewhere; to the towns of the south, who rose up to free their communities; to the people of Zawiya, who resisted and kept resisting, until Zawiya was free; to the people of Tripoli, who rose up en masse to tear down the regime's walls, fortresses and prisons; to every Libyan who fought for change, and to the Libyans all over the world who returned to fight for their country's future -- and sometimes paid the ultimate price.

You forever changed your country, but you also taught the rest of the world a lesson: that no tyranny, however how many prisons it builds or how many weapons it stockpiles, can withstand the power of human dignity.

The day comes when human beings will rise up for their freedom, and fight for their freedom -- and win their freedom.

Sunday, October 23, is now your day.

May the blessings of peace and prosperity rain upon your land!

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