Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Semiperiphery Explodes

Like many nations of the semi-periphery, Egypt is one of the oldest of human cultures, and the newest of nation-states.
Like many nations of the semi-periphery, Egypt heroically threw off the yoke of colonialism, only to fall under the sway of postcolonial elites who gradually forgot their popular roots, and devolved into corrupt underlings of Wall Street neoliberalism. Typically, their rule was administered by client states armed and financed by the US Empire.
But in the late 1990s, the nations of the semi-periphery began to rebel against the economics of neoliberalism and the politics of neocolonialism. The power of tanks, guns and jails fell to far mightier powers: the power of the pen, the website, the video-clip and the ballot box. It happened in Venezuela and Indonesia in 1998, Russia in 1999, Argentina in 2001, Turkey in 2002, Brazil in 2003, India in 2004, etc.
One by one, former US client states melted away, in an uncanny echo of the collapse of the Soviet client states of Eastern Europe in 1990-91.
And now the people of Egypt have joined the party, upsetting the last bastion of US neoimperial rule over the world. It's the end of the Arabic-region autocracies, the end of Israelo-apartheid (aided and abetted by corrupt regional elites), and the beginning of true democracy everywhere in the Middle East -- in Egypt, in Israel, in Palestine.
The revolution will be live and online.

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