Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Amerimaidan Just Went Live

And so the US branch of the Insurrection of the 7.6 Billion begins -- with Ocasio-Cortez' stunning victory in New York City. It's the first time an openly socialist candidate has challenged the neoliberal Dem establishment and won, and not by a small margin, either, but with a crushing 57% mandate.

The age of the tremors has ended, the age of the earthquakes begins. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Amerimaidan: Zero-hour

It's time, America.

It is time to rise up against the unelected-Nazi-pond-scum-toxic-waste-dumpster-fire-putrescent monster infesting your Presidency.

The monster owns properties.

Lots and lots of properties.


